Friday, August 30, 2019

Why do we need Tax Planning?

Why Tax Planning?

Tax planning is imperative because it helps you to smartly minimize the amount of income tax payable and hence have more savings. These savings can be invested further for future financial security. When each financial year comes to a close, there is a rush to find ways to minimize tax incidence for the year through approved investment options. And as the action is being taken at the last minute, you might miss out on some opportunities and end up paying a higher tax than you should.
Various options for tax planning in India

Tax planning can be done by simply investing a portion of your total investment portfolio in some securities for which the government has provided tax benefits. Here is a list of available tax saving options according to the various sections of the income tax act and when should investors consider them:

Section 80C

1. Life Insurance: One of the most preferred avenues for investment, life insurance has long been considered as a tax-saving tool. But the primary objective has been neglected and investors end up buying the wrong product.

Life insurance is the most cost-effective tool when you have to provide financial protection to your family in case of eventualities. What amount of life insurance one should have depended on many factors such as income, expenses, liabilities, goals, etc? Pure life insurance i.e. Term Insurance is the right instrument to buy high life insurance coverage. The tax benefit is the inherent advantage that comes with all products. 

2. Public Provident Fund (PPF): Public Provident Benefit is a highly beneficial small savings scheme available to investors. Here, not only the investor can enjoy deduction on the amount invested in this scheme but the interest received on maturity is also exempt from tax. Investment can start from Rs.500. The flexibility in contributions as per one's requirement makes it an ideal choice for long-term investments and availing tax benefits year on year. 

3. Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS): The sluggish equity market for the last five years has made investors jittery and ELSS, which was favored among all avenues, is slowly losing its sheen. Also, the proposed new Direct Tax Code has not been in favor of the instrument. But for investors with high-risk appetite and a slightly longer horizon, ELSS is still a considerable choice. Do good research before finalizing your scheme.

4. Fixed Deposit: Bank Fixed deposit for five years falls under Sec 80C tax benefit. Although it is the most viable option for investors when last-minute decisions have to be taken, the taxability of interest lowers the net yield. Still, it is a good option in the current scenario especially for individuals in the lower tax bracket.

5. NSC: The National Savings Scheme has been revived and there is a new 10-year scheme. However, interest received on NSC is taxable in the hands of the investor. With taxability of interest and rate market-linked, it does not appeal to many investors now when compared to other avenues under section 80C. 

Section 80D

Under this section, one can avail up to Rs.15000 for self and family while additional Rs.15000 is available for parents. In addition to this, a further deduction of Rs.5000/- is available in case the policy is taken on the life of a senior citizen in each category as mentioned above. However, it should not be considered only for a tax benefit, as the purpose of health insurance is to provide you benefits in case of emergencies. To buy the right scheme that matches your requirement, a detailed analysis should be done on benefits and exclusions. 

Section 80CCD  

The New Pension Scheme gives tax benefit under this section to individuals if they contribute 10% of their gross income (if in business) or 10% of the basic salary (if employed) in this scheme. However, the maximum limit clubbed with 80CCE is capped at Rs.1 lakh. Being a low-cost product it is one of the good avenues for retirement planning, especially in the absence of pension plans.

Section 80CCD (2)

Not many employers offer it and neither employees are aware of this additional tax benefit. Under this section, if an employer contributes 10% of an employee’s basic salary to the New Pension Scheme, the amount is an additional deduction which employee can claim from his income. This provision was made in this year budget and it reduces tax liability by a good amount. So if someone is drawing a basic monthly salary of Rs.50,000 he can avail an additional deduction of Rs. 60,000 annually. For an individual in the highest tax bracket i.e. 30%, this will result in an additional tax saving of Rs. 18,000. But the decision of this provision rests with the employer and one has to negotiate to include it in the salary structure, if not there. 

You can choose any or a combination for the above options according to your investment preferences for effective tax planning. Selection of right tax saving instruments is essential for reaping the desired benefits. Last-minute rush can lead to mistakes and strain your finances. Take a wiser approach and distribute your investments by planning it early. 

Section 80CCG

The Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme (RGESS) is a new tax benefit scheme introduced for equity investment in select stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs. Under this scheme, a first-time investor with a gross annual income less than Rs.10 lakhs can claim up to Rs.50, 000 of investments in specified securities for tax deduction under section 80-CCG.

Tax planning is the analysis of a financial situation or plan from a tax perspective. The purpose of tax planning is to ensure tax efficiency. Through tax planning, all elements of the financial plan work together in the most tax-efficient manner possible. Tax planning is an essential part of a financial plan. Reduction of tax liability and maximizing the ability to contribute to retirement plans are crucial for success.

Capitalstars is a SEBI registered investment advisor. Schedule a call with Capitalstars investment consultant or drop a mail and we will get in touch with you. You may also call us on 9977499927.

We will be happy to help you plan your tax. ☺

Get more details here: 

Call on:9977499927

* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Types of Tax planning

  • Tax planning is an efficient way of saving tax.
  • There are three different types of tax planning. Opt for the type whichever suits you the best.

Tax planning: Tax planning is a process of analyzing one’s financial situation logically with a view to reducing tax liability. Tax planning involves planning your income in a legal manner so to avail various exemptions and deductions. Under Section 80C, you can avail tax deduction if specific investments are made for a specific period up to a limit of Rs 1, 50,000. The most popular methods for saving tax are investing in PPF accounts, National Saving Certificate, Fixed Deposit, Mutual Funds, and Provident Funds. Tax planning involves applying various advantageous provisions which are legal and entitles the assesse to avail the benefit of deductions, credits, concessions, rebates, and exemptions. Or we can say that Tax planning is an art in which there is logical planning of one’s financial affairs in such a manner that benefits the assesses with all the eligible provisions of the taxation law. Tax planning is an honest approach of applying the provisions which come within the framework of taxation law.

Here are the three types of tax planning:

1. Purposive Tax planning

2. Permissive tax planning

3. Long-range and Short-range tax planning

Purposive Tax planning: Purposive tax planning means applying tax provisions in an intellectual manner so to avail the tax benefits based on national priorities. It includes tax planning with the purpose of getting the maximum benefit by making a suitable program for replacement of assets, correct selection of investment, varying the residential status and diversifying business activities and income. Also, Under the Income Tax Act, Section 60 to Section 65 is related to the income of other persons included in the income of the assessee. Here, assesse can plan in a way that the provisions do not get attracted so as to increase the disposable resources. This is known as purposive tax planning.

Permissive tax planning: Permissive tax planning refers to the plans which are permissible under various provisions of the law, for example, planning of earning income covered by Section 10, Section 10(1), planning of taking advantage of various deductions, incentives for getting the benefit of different tax concessions, etc. In other words, it means planning made as per the provision of the taxation laws.

Long-range and Short-range tax planning: Short-range planning means planning made annually to fulfill the limited or specific objectives. It is executed at the end of the year to reduce taxable income legally. Also, in short-range tax planning, there is no permanent commitment. An individual may invest in NSCs (National savings certificate) or PPF (Public Provident Fund) within the prescribed limit when income is increased. It is not advisable to take LIC/ULIP/Pension Plan etc. Long-range tax planning refers to the practices undertaken by the assessee. Long term planning is done at the beginning or the income year to be followed around the year.  Long term planning does not help immediately, for example, transfer of assets without consideration to a minor child. In this case, the income will be combined to transferor up to the child in minor but once the child turns 18, this will be the child’s income.

Capitalstars is a SEBI registered investment advisor. Schedule a call with Capitalstars investment consultant or drop a mail and we will get in touch with you. You may also call us on 9977499927.

We will be happy to help you plan your tax. ☺

Get more details here: 

Call on:9977499927

* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Income Tax प्लानिंग आपके लिए क्यों है जरूरी?

नौकरी करने वाले कई लोग इनकम टैक्स प्लानिंग को फायदेमंद नहीं मानते हैं. उन्हें लगता है कि Income Tax बचाने के लिए जितनी रकम का निवेश करना पड़ता है, उससे बहुत कम रकम टैक्स के रूप में चुकानी पड़ती है. 

मसलन अगर किसी व्यक्ति की सालाना आमदनी 4 लाख रुपये है तो उसकी 2.5 लाख रुपये तक की आय पर Income Tax से छूट है. इसके बाद बची 1.5 लाख रुपये की रकम पर सिर्फ 5% टैक्स चुकाना होगा. 

अगर निवेश कर Income Tax बचाने की कोशिश की जाए तो खर्च करने की रकम से 1.5 लाख रुपये घट जाएंगे. 

कोई व्यक्ति अगर इनकम टैक्स (Income Tax) बचाने के लिए निवेश नहीं करता है तो उसे सिर्फ 7,500 रुपये टैक्स चुकाना पड़ेगा. 

लेकिन, ऐसी सोच सही नहीं है. हम बता रहे हैं कि आपके लिए Income Tax की प्लानिंग क्यों जरूरी है. 

एक करदाता के रूप में केंद्र सरकार आपकी बचत को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए कानूनी प्रावधान करती है, आपको इसका फायदा उठाना चाहिए. 

इनकम टैक्स प्लानिंग की मदद से आप Income Tax कानून के तहत मौजूद सभी डिडक्शन, एग्जेंप्शन, राहत और रीबेट का लाभ उठा सकते हैं. 
उचित टैक्स प्लानिंग की मदद से आप अपनी टैक्स देनदारी घटा सकते हैं. 

आपको इस समय चुकाया जाने वाला टैक्स भले ही कम लग रहा हो, लेकिन अगर आप उसे रिटर्न देने वाले बेहतर निवेश विकल्प में लगायें तो आप कुछ सालों बाद अच्छी-खासी संपत्ति जुटा सकते हैं. 

आपको टैक्स प्लानिंग में Income Tax कानून के उन सेक्शन पर ध्यान देना चाहिए जिसमें आप ज्यादा से ज्यादा टैक्स बचा सकें .. 
अगर आप युवा हैं और आपने अभी जॉब शुरू किया है तो आप बहुत कम प्रीमियम पर टर्म और हेल्थ पॉलिसी लेकर अपना जोखिम कवर कर सकते हैं. 

टैक्स (Income Tax) प्लानिंग के हिसाब से किया जाने वाला निवेश वास्तव में आपमें बचत का अनुशासन कायम करता है. यह लंबी अवधि में आपके काफी काम आता है. 

Income Tax की प्लानिंग करते वक्त आपको यह ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि इनकम टैक्स में बचत के लिए निवेश की सलाह लेना वैध है. 

टैक्स मामलों की देश की सबसे बड़ी संस्था केंद्रीय प्रत्यक्ष कर बोर्ड (CBDT) ने कानूनी प्रावधानों के जरिये देश के नागरिकों को Income Tax बचत के लिए विभिन्न सेक्शन के तहत ये अधिकार दिए हैं. टैक्स प्लानिंग के जरिये वास्तव में आप अपने इन अधिकारों का प्रयोग करते हैं.

Tax planning is the analysis of a financial situation or plan from a tax perspective. The purpose of tax planning is to ensure tax efficiency. Through tax planning, all elements of the financial plan work together in the most tax-efficient manner possible. Tax planning is an essential part of a financial plan. Reduction of tax liability and maximizing the ability to contribute to retirement plans are crucial for success.

Capitalstars is a SEBI registered investment advisor. Schedule a call with Capitalstars investment consultant or drop a mail and we will get in touch with you. You may also call us on 9977499927.

We will be happy to help you plan your tax. ☺

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Call on:9977499927

* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Tax Planning

Tax planning is the analysis of a financial situation or plan from a tax perspective. The purpose of tax planning is to ensure tax efficiency. Through tax planning, all elements of the financial plan work together in the most tax-efficient manner possible. Tax planning is an essential part of a financial plan. Reduction of tax liability and maximizing the ability to contribute to retirement plans are crucial for success.

Tax planning covers several considerations. Considerations include timing of income, size, and timing of purchases, and planning for other expenditures. Also, the selection of investments and types of retirement plans must complement the tax filing status and deductions to create the best possible outcome.

  • Tax planning is the analysis of finances from a tax perspective, with the purpose of ensuring maximum tax efficiency.
  • Considerations of tax planning include timing of income, size, the timing of purchases, and planning for expenditures.
  • Tax planning strategies can include saving for retirement in an IRA or engaging in tax gain-loss harvesting.

Capitalstars is a SEBI registered investment advisor. Schedule a call with Capitalstars investment consultant or drop a mail at and we will get in touch with you. You may also call us on 9977499927.

We will be happy to help you plan your tax. ☺

Get more details here: 
Call on:9977499927
* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Tata Nifty Private Bank Exchange Traded Fund Floats On

Tata Mutual Fund has launched a new fund named Tata Nifty Private Bank Exchange Traded Fund, an open ended exchange traded fund replicating / tracking Nifty Private Bank Index. The New Fund Offer (NFO) price for the scheme is Rs 10 per unit. The new issue will be open for subscription from 16 August 2019 to 29 August 2019.

The investment objective of the scheme is to provide returns that is closely correspond to the total returns of the securities as represented by the Nifty Private Bank index, subject to tracking error.

Get more details here:  Intraday stock tipsFinancial Advisory Company ,Derivative Free Trial,Stock tipsCall on:9977499927* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

Friday, August 9, 2019

SBI Fixed Maturity Plan (FMP) – Series 16 (1116 Days) Floats On

SBI Mutual Fund has unveiled a new fund named as SBI Fixed Maturity Plan (FMP) – Series 16 (1116 Days), a close ended debt scheme. The tenure of the scheme is 1116 days from the date of allotment. The New Fund Offer (NFO) price for the scheme is Rs 10 per unit. The new issue will be open for subscription from 13 August 2019 to 19 August 2019.

Get more details here:  Intraday stock tipsFinancial Advisory Company ,Derivative Free Trial,Stock tipsCall on:9977499927* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Kotak Equity Savings Fund Announces Monthly Dividend

Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund has announced 13 August 2019 as the record date for declaration of dividend under the Monthly dividend option of Kotak Equity Savings Fund. The amount of dividend on the face value of Rs 10 per unit will be:

Kotak Equity Savings Fund - Regular Plan - Monthly Dividend Option: Rs. 0.0463
Kotak Equity Savings Fund - Direct Plan – Monthly Dividend Option: Rs. 0.0522

Get more details here:  Intraday stock tipsFinancial Advisory Company ,Derivative Free Trial,Stock tipsCall on:9977499927* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund Announces dividend

Sundaram Mutual Fund has announced 29 July 2019 as the record date for declaration of dividend on the face value of Rs 10 per unit under regular plan-dividend option and direct plan-dividend option of Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund. The amount of dividend will be Rs 0.16 per unit under each plan / option as on the record date. 

Get more details here:  Intraday stock tipsFinancial Advisory Company ,Derivative Free Trial,Stock tipsCall on:9977499927* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Essel MF Announces change in Fund Manager and Key Personnel


Essel Mutual Fund has announced that Pradeep Sukte has been appointed as Equity Dealer & Fund Manager of Essel Arbitrage Fund and Key Personnel of the AMC with effect from 05 August 2019. Dhaval Choksi ceases to be the Equity Dealer & Fund Manager of Essel Arbitrage Fund and Key personnel of AMC with effect from 04 August 2019. 

Get more details here:  Intraday stock tipsFinancial Advisory Company ,Derivative Free Trial,Stock tipsCall on:9977499927* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

Monday, August 5, 2019

DSP Tax Saver Fund Announces Dividend


DSP Mutual Fund has announced 09 August 2019 as the record date for declaration of dividend on the face value of Rs 10 per unit under the regular plan-dividend option of DSP Tax Saver Fund. The quantum of dividend will be Rs. 0.400 per unit as on the record date.

Get more details here:  Intraday stock tipsFinancial Advisory Company ,Derivative Free Trial,Stock tipsCall on:9977499927* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Aditya Birla Sun Life Series 4 Announced dividend


Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund has announced 07 August 2019 as the record date for declaration of dividend on the face value of Rs 10 per unit under regular plan - dividend option and direct plan - dividend option of Aditya Birla Sun Life Emerging Leaders Fund – Series 4. The quantum of dividend will be entire distributable surplus as available on the record date.

Get more details here:  Intraday stock tipsFinancial Advisory Company ,Derivative Free Trial,Stock tipsCall on:9977499927* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Indiabulls MF Announcment: In two schemes, The exit load structure is change.


Indiabulls Mutual Fund has announced change in exit load structure under the following schemes, with effect from 01 August 2019. 
Accordingly, the revised exit load will be: 

Indiabulls Equity Hybrid Fund & Indiabulls Blue Chip Fund: 

If redeemed / switch-out within 7 days from the date of allotment : will be 1 %.

If redeemed / switch-out after 7 days from the date of allotment : will be nill.

Get more details here:  Intraday stock tipsFinancial Advisory Company ,Derivative Free Trial,Stock tipsCall on:9977499927* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.